

                    Hippo  rescue


  BY SCOTT ELDERA baby hippopotamus sat alone on thebanks of the Zambezi River in Zambiaa country in Africa.His mother wasnowhere insight.Although a big adulthippo has nothing to fear from predatorsan unguarded baby could easilyturn into a meal for hungry crocodileor hyenas lurking nearby.The morning sun rosep arching thedehydrated two-week-old.With everypassing minute he lost more strengthCruising the riverina boatIanStevenson spotted the distressedown beforesince hippo mothers rarelyanimalTd never seen a hippo calf on itsleave their babiesthe conservationistsays.He assumed that by the time hecircled backthe mom would haveappeared.But the hippo was stil alonewhen he rounded the bend hours later.It's likely that the mother had died.Without his loving bodyguardthebaby probably wouldn't make it throughthe night.Knowing thisStevensonboosted the hundred-pound calf intothe boat and headed to the groundsof his conservation organizationConservation Lower Zambezi(CLZ) .As they traveledthe hippo nuzzledStevenson's legs with his snout.Stevenson and his staff had never caredfor a baby hippo.So once back at CLZStevenson contacted hippo experts tolearn what to feed the newborn.Ontheir advicehe mixed up a formulaof milk and eggsbut the weak calfwouldn't drink.Sluggish and growingtooth inthe baby needed nutrientsor he wouldn't survive.After severaldays of coaxingthe hippo finallyslurped formula from the bottle.Soon the young animal was stable andhad doubled his weight.Stihe neededto be fed and sheltered unti he was oldenough to fend for himself.But CLZwas n't equipped to give the animal long-term care.So Stevenson reached out toAnna and Steve To lanwho ran theChip em be le Wildlife Education Trustrehabilitation center.Located on theLuangwa River and close to a thrivingherd of hipposChip em be le would beanideal home.The To lans agreed to take inthe hippobut his caretakers at CLZfaced a problem.The center was a daysdrive away on rough roads.The voyagewould be dangerous l stressful for ababy animal.Luck iya local airline offered t ofthe hipponow called Douglasto hisnew home for free.Days laterthe an i-mal was placed in a cage blanketedwith soft straw and then loaded into anar craft.After an hour-long flightthepilot landed with his plump cargo.AnnaTo lan greeted the hippo at the airportwith three other caretakers.Heseemed happy and healthyshe says.At Chip em be lestaff built a sleepinghut for Douglas by a pond where heliked to swim.They fed him milk andegg yolks every three hours.And theygave him plenty of affectiontickling hisears and scratching his legs.Douglasspent his days playing with the To lanspet dogs and swimming in the pond.Sometimes at nighthippos from thelocal herd wandered up from the near-by river to eat grass.StartledDouglaswould waddle into his pond to hide.Buthe soon overcame his shyness andinteracted with themTo lan says.Douglas remained at Chip em be lefor about five years before he was relo-cated to another part of Zambia.I wasexcited for Douglas to return to thewildshe says.It's where he belonged.



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