An Ancient Species Origin aing from the Himalayas
Nearly 80 percent of the Tibetan
They used to be endemic to the centri l
region of the Himalayas.The formation
of the Himalayas in the late Tertiary
and early Quaternary periods resulted
in sharp uplift of the ground around the
Tibetan Plateau and the disappearing of
forests.Consequently, the habitat of the
white-lipped deer shrank to the east.
As the habitat of the deer was in ac-
cessible, there is no written record of
the species in Chinese history.In 1883,
Russian geographer Nikolay Mik hay-
lovich Pr zh eval sky obtained the first
specimens of the white-lipped deer in
northern Gansu Province, attracting
biologists attention to this species.In
1893, English geologist and naturalist
William Thomas Blanford observed the
white-lipped deer during a fieldtrip
in Tibet and named it Thorold's deer.
After that, the species was reportedly
Plateau steppe provides pastures for
yaks, sheep, and goats.The white-
observed by German and American
lipped deer have to retreat to the
biologists in1938 and 1939 respectively.
remaining 20 percent of the pasture,
These early findings provide fragmented
information on the geographical loca-
Although they are protected and re-
garded as sacred by local people, the
tion of the white-lipped deer.
population is declining due to shrink-
By the end of the 1990s, there were
ing living space and fragmentation.
The deer breeds once a year with
the mating season from September to
November.Mating season is character-
ized by fighting adult males who break
their antlers frequently in the hunt for
about 15, 800 white-lipped deer in China.
Currently, they mainly live in Sichuan,
Qinghai, and Tibet with a population
of around 7, 000.Among them, 1, 500 to
2, 000areinShiqu County, 200inDege
County, and 3, 000inBaiyu County of
mates.Females give birth to one fawn,
An Ancient Species Origin ating from the Himalayas
Nearly 80 percent of the Tibetan
occasionally two, around next May to
July after a pregnancy of eight months.
Region, it is estimated that there are 134
in Jo mda County, and 300inNyingchi,
a prefecture-level city.Most of them are
semi-captive.There are very few wild
The newborn fawns are covered with
patches which disappear in one month
and begin feeding on grass at one
month old.The fawns get sexually ma-
white-lipped deer.
The rare white-lipped deer is of
ture at three, while the stags usually
fight for mates after five.The birthrate
unique significance.Although China
has learned howto breed the species
and they can be seen in many domestic
zoos, to date it has only given a pair of
the rare species to SriLanka and Nepal
of the species is low.Wild white-lipped
deer generally live to 12 years, while
those in captivity can survive up to 21
as gifts.
yearTsh.e deer is an ancient species.Their
fossils have been found in the strata dat-
ing back to the late Pleistocene period.