(1. 湖南大学建筑学院,长沙 410082;
(2. 长沙理工大学建筑学院,长沙 410015)
近年来,外墙反射隔热涂料得到了越来越广泛的应用。为了探究其在长沙地区的适用性及节能效果,采取实测和模拟的方法,通过对涂刷反射涂料、保温砂浆的测试房以及普通房的温度对比,验证了反射涂料在夏季起隔热作用而对冬季保温不利;运用 EnergyPlus 程序对表面吸收系数不同的两栋建筑进行温度和能耗对比,发现夏季反射涂料隔热效果明显,尤其是东、西外墙及屋面;反射涂料可显著降低夏季空调能耗,冬季能耗小幅增加,全年总能耗下降7.8%。
中图分类号: TU56文献标志码: A文章编号: 1673-7237(2018)08-0001-05
Application of Reflective Heat-insulating Coatings in Changsha
LIU Hong -cheng', WANG Ya-min', XIAO Min'
(1. College of Architccturc, Hunan University,Changsha 410082,Hunan, China;
2. College of Architecture, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410015,Hunan,China)
Abstract: In recent years, exterior wall reflective heat - insulating coatings had been more and more widely used. Due to the different characteristics of solar radiation distribution in different regions, the conribution of reflective coatings was different and cannot be generalized. Even in the hot summer and cold winter regions, the effect of reflective heat - insulating coatings migh; be different because of the different environmental conditions in various urban. In order to study the applicability of building reflective heat - insulating coatings in Changsha and to measure the contribution to building energy conservation, actual measurement and simulation methods were boih adopted to measure the energy - saving effects. The research resuts could provide reasonable suggestions for the application of building reflective heat - insulating coatings in Changsha.In the field measurement, three test houses with the same area and the same basic structure were selected. The exterior wall of the testing room -I was painted with reflective heat - insulating coatings, and the test room -2 was paintedwith insulation mortar and the same color ordinary paint. At the same time, the test room _3 was selecied as the ordinary house which only brushing the ordinary paint. The indoor air temperatures of the three test rooms were tested in the coldest winter and hottest summer monthsrespectively. The temperature variation curve was drawn by extracing the representativethree-day rest results, and theaverage value, maximum and minimum of air temperature were compared and analyzed.
In the simulation, a single _ room simplified building model wasestablished by EnergyPlus, anauthoritative simulation software for building energy consumption. The reflection coatings and ordinary coatings were painted on the building models respectively. The temperature changes of the inner and outer surfaces of the envelopes outside all directions were simulated in the coldest and hottest periods. Then the indoor temperature of the room is set to be 18 ℃ in the winter and 26 ℃ in the summer. The air condinioning mode was filly on, and the monthly energy consumption and annual energy consumpion of the building were simnlated and compared.
(1)No mater whether it was measured or simulated resuilis showed that the reflective heat -insulating Through the test and simulation, the following conclusions were drawn: coating had good thenmal insulation in sumner. air emperature by 2. 35 'tc in comparison with the ordinary house in the summer, and the heat insulation
(2)In the feld measurement, the regfiective heat -inulating coating couild reduce the average ininor environment. The average indoor uir temperature was lower than the ordinary house by 0. 0S℃. effect was obvious. In winter, the reflective heat - insulating coating was unfavorable to the indoor themal reglective coatings from high to low was: the roof, the east wall, the west wall, the south wall and the norh which played a significant role of hect insulation in summer. The heat - insulating effect of architectural reduce the peak of the external surface temperature and reduce the temperature of the intemal surface,
(3)The simulations showed that the architectunal reflective heat-insulating coating could effectvely wall.
(4) Architectural reflective heat - insulating coatings had a significant effect on reducing air condinioning energy consumption in summer, which helped reduce peak summer electricity use. However, was found that heating energy consumption was increased in winter, and annual energy consumption could be reduced by 7. 8%。
Through the comprehensive analysis, it could be seen that reflective coatings have a good applicability in Changsha and are worthy of promotion. For other regions, to determine the suitability of reflective heat -insulating coatings and to avoid blind applications will help improve energy saving efficiency
Keywords:reflective heat insulation; coating; Changsha area; applicability
0 引言
近年来,我国建筑能耗居高不下,建筑领域的能耗占到了全社会一次能耗总量比例的 28%”。因此,如何更有效地控制建筑运行能耗,提高空调运行效,改善建筑热环境,减少空调运行时间,是建筑节能国已开始了对反射隔热涂料的研究与应用,在减轻“热岛效应”方面取得了显著的成果,并将其应用于石化、建筑、工业等领域”。我国对建筑反射隔热涂料的应用始于 20 世纪 90 年代,近年来发展迅速,其节原理逐渐被人们了解并被越来越多地应用。
1 反射隔热涂料与建筑传热
以夏季白天为例,热量从室外通过非透明围护结传人室内可分为三个过程:1)外表面吸热:包括对流与太阳辐射得热;2)材料层传热:导热;3)内表面散热:对流与辐射“。其中,夏季外表面太阳辐射得热占了重要的部分,反射隔热涂料由于其较高的反射率可以有效减少太阳辐射得热”。在冬季,外墙及屋面行业亟待解决的问题之一。早在 20 世纪 70 年代,美国吸收的太阳辐射量虽然不能使室内直接得热,但会使内壁面温度全天小幅提升“*,反射隔热涂料则削弱了这种作用,对建筑能耗的降低起反作用。
2 实测分析
实测选取长沙地区某涂料厂院内新建两栋独立相同的单层砖混结构测试房,如图 1.2 所示,测试房尺寸均为 3 m ×3 m ×3 m,外墙及屋面的基础构造相同,外窗均为铝合金中空玻璃窗,测试房 1(反射涂料房)外墙外表面涂刷隔热保温涂料,测试房 2(保温砂浆房)涂刷 30 mm 厚无机保温砂浆,为避免颜色对建筑得热的干扰,墙面涂料保持相同色度,周围无影响性遮挡。另外选取传统构造的门卫值班室(普通房)加入对比试验,其面积大小相近,构造上无保温隔热
2.1 对内外表面温度的影响
现场利用红外测温仪和高精度测温仪对两测试房的内外表面温度进行测试,冬季和夏季的测试时间分别为2 月 8 日与7 月6 日,测试结果见表1.2。