






设计师 Ben van Berkel 表示:“我一直对探索日常空间非常感兴趣,希望通过挖掘微妙的、令人深思的空间体验,来代替人们所熟知的日常空间。作为一个临时性场所,Ellipsicoon 凉亭为人们带去了静谧。人们身临其中,所有的琐碎都将褪去,而思绪则会瞬间降临。”

Elipsicoon creates a tranquil nomadic extensionplace of rest, retreat and mindfulness, theto the homer: a detached, secluded space of immersionin nature.

The Elipsicoon offers a tranquil space for eithersolitary moments of rest, reading or contemplation.or a cocoon-like theatre for conversation and Designed and developed digitally, then handwoven communication. by highly skilled craftsmen, the continuous sculptural surface of the pavilion is constructed from strands of 100% recyclable high-density polyethylene (HDPE).

The curved sides of the structure physically and intimately connected to the surroundings and to

nature, whilst wrapped and enclosed by the soft, continuous curves of the woven structure. Upon crossing the threshold the user stands slightly above ground level, after which a sunken seating area offers enclosed and semi-enclosed space, with built in seating that follows the fluid contours of the space. Here differently proportioned elliptical openings frame views to the surroundings whilst providing daylight to the interior. Een van Berkel:"I have long been interested in exploring spaces which extend function to replace the reality of the everyday with the potential for more _amced, reflective experiences. The Ellipsicoon Of ers a plece of temporary disengagement, where can momentarily fade and the imagination can take the peachicalties, duties and interruptions of daily life




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