英国 the history of ships

They also reflect the state of technology at the time. But the history of ships is not just a reflection of the history of man; it is a complete and fascinating story in itself. It began 5,000 years ago, on the banks of the Nile, with the funeral ship of a distant pharaoh. At first, ship propulsion was largely a matter of sweated labour, but gradually the oared ship gave way to the sailing ship. With progress in ship design, voyages became longer and more adventurous. The result was the discovery of new lands and an upsurge in maritime trade, calling for new types of ship to carry and protect it. Then, in the 1880s, seafaring was transformed by the twin revolutions of steam power and iron construction. Today, little more than half a century since the demise of the last great sail trading vessels, we are in the age of the hovercraft, container ship and nuclear submarine. The scope of this book includes merchantmen and men-of-war, ceremonial, pleasure and working craft of all civilizations and all ages, as well as the people who built and sailed them.




参     数

配送次数: 12次
发刊周期: 月刊

起 刊 日

年    数

  • 一年
  • 买两年送一年

发    货:

  • 商业财经
  • 母婴亲子
  • 旅游地理
  • 市政新闻
  • 军事科普
  • 少儿阅读
  • 学习辅导
  • 时尚男士
  • 时尚女士
英国 the history of ships 杂志参数
杂志名称 英国 the history of ships
发刊周期 月刊
全年期数 12期/年
刊   号 600C1177
配送次数 12次
英国 the history of ships 杂志卖点
英国 the history of ships 杂志简介

They also reflect the state of technology at the time. But the history of ships is not just a reflection of the history of man; it is a complete and fascinating story in itself. It began 5,000 years ago, on the banks of the Nile, with the funeral ship of a distant pharaoh. At first, ship propulsion was largely a matter of sweated labour, but gradually the oared ship gave way to the sailing ship. With progress in ship design, voyages became longer and more adventurous. The result was the discovery of new lands and an upsurge in maritime trade, calling for new types of ship to carry and protect it. Then, in the 1880s, seafaring was transformed by the twin revolutions of steam power and iron construction. Today, little more than half a century since the demise of the last great sail trading vessels, we are in the age of the hovercraft, container ship and nuclear submarine. The scope of this book includes merchantmen and men-of-war, ceremonial, pleasure and working craft of all civilizations and all ages, as well as the people who built and sailed them.

英国 the history of ships 杂志出版社
The ships of any age express the needs and ambitions of the people who build them.

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