英国版Oh Comely

oh comely is a curious, honest and playful independent magazine. It’s a place to meet strangers, hear their stories and look at life differently – where our readers are our writers and our models, too.Each issue we pick a theme and see where it takes us. We try something old, something new and something that scares us a bit. Then we present our findings in a beautiful, artbook style, putting new writing, photography and illustration talent at the heart of it.We believe good things come in threes. We began as the bedroom project of three pals at university and we’re now produced by a small publishing house started by another set of three friends.You can find us all over the world in small newsagents, indie mag shops and cafes. Or hop over to our shop, where you can get hold of the latest editions, ‘surprise me!’ packages and never-miss-an-issue subscriptions.




参     数

配送次数: 6次
发刊周期: 双月刊

起 刊 日

年    数

  • 一年
  • 买两年送一年

发    货:

  • 商业财经
  • 母婴亲子
  • 旅游地理
  • 市政新闻
  • 军事科普
  • 少儿阅读
  • 学习辅导
  • 时尚男士
  • 时尚女士
英国版Oh Comely杂志参数
杂志名称 英国版Oh Comely
发刊周期 双月刊
全年期数 6期/年
刊   号 600C1051
配送次数 6次
英国版Oh Comely杂志卖点
英国版Oh Comely杂志简介

oh comely is a curious, honest and playful independent magazine. It’s a place to meet strangers, hear their stories and look at life differently – where our readers are our writers and our models, too.

Each issue we pick a theme and see where it takes us. We try something old, something new and something that scares us a bit. Then we present our findings in a beautiful, artbook style, putting new writing, photography and illustration talent at the heart of it.

We believe good things come in threes. We began as the bedroom project of three pals at university and we’re now produced by a small publishing house started by another set of three friends.

You can find us all over the world in small newsagents, indie mag shops and cafes. Or hop over to our shop, where you can get hold of the latest editions, ‘surprise me!’ packages and never-miss-an-issue subscriptions.

英国版Oh Comely杂志出版社
《Oh Comely》是一本关于生活方式的杂志,而且不同一般的杂志喜欢用明星,《Oh comely》封面女主角的都是一些平凡,普通的女孩子。

本站非英国版Oh Comely杂志官网,仅提供英国版Oh Comely订阅服务,如需直订请联系英国版Oh Comely杂志出版社。

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